How to Enable Statamic Pro

A fresh Statamic install starts in Solo edition mode. Here's how to enable Pro mode and unlock every feature Statamic has.

A fresh Statamic install starts in Solo edition mode. You can enable Pro in your .env file at any time by running:

php please pro:enable

You can also set pro to true in config/statamic/editions.php for all environments (which you may need to do for older installations of Statamic where the above command doesn't exist).

Once you've opted in, many additional features become be available.

Trying Pro Mode

You can use Statamic Pro locally without a license key for as long as you'd like. This is called Trial Mode.

While in trial mode you are also able to try out any commercial addons.

When It's Time to Launch

Once it’s time to launch your site on a public domain, there are a few things you need to do:

  • Create a Site on and enter the appropriate domain(s).
  • Purchase a license of Statamic Pro (and any paid addons) and attach them to your Site.
  • Add your Site's license key to your environment file in production.
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