Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

Bought Jack McDade's course on design. Going through it now...and it is SO well done!

— Justin Jackson, Transistor.fm

Redirect Tag

Anytime this tag is rendered — whether in a template, partial, or content, Statamic will redirect the visitor to the specified URL.

Redirecting to URLs

Let's redirect visitors to the homepage if they're not logged in.

{{ if ! logged_in }}
{{ redirect to="/" }}
{{ /if }}

How about RickRolling visitors if it's April Fool's Day?

{{ if (now|format:m-d) == "04-01" }}
{{ redirect to="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" }}
{{ /if }}

Named Routes

You may redirect to named routes with the route parameter. Anything else will be passed along as route parameters.

Route::get('products/{product}/{size}', fn($product, $size) => ...)
{{ redirect route="products.show" product="socks" size="large" }}
// /products/socks/large




Destination URL



Alias of url



Instead of entering a URL, you can specify a route name. Any other parameters will be passed along as route parameters.



The HTTP response code to use. Default: 302 (temporary).

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