Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

For a software dev like me who has no idea how to create a cute hand-drawn dashed line, this course just 100% works.

— Ira Zayats, Developer

Form Fieldtype

Use this fieldtype to create a relationship with one of your site's forms.

Form Fieldtype UI
The Form Fieldtype in action!


The Form fieldtype is gives your users a way to pick a form to include along with the current entry. How that form is implemented or shows up on the page is up to you.

Data Storage

The Form fieldtype stores the handle of a single form as a string, or an array of handles if max_items is greater than 1.


The Form fieldtype provides a few useful variables:

  • handle
  • title
  • fields
  • api_url
  • honeypot

You can use the {{ form:create }} tag to render a <form> on your page.




The maximum number of forms that may be selected.



Set the non-selectable placeholder text. Default: none.



Allows you to specify a query scope which should be applied when retrieving selectable forms.

HR: Section
Learn More!

Pick a form, any form.


HR: Section
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