Building Fieldtypes

Fieldtypes determine the user interface and storage format for your fields. Statamic includes 40+ fieldtypes to help you tailor the perfect intuitive experience for your authors, but there's always room for one more.


Any fieldtype classes inside the App\Fieldtypes namespace will be automatically registered.

To store them elsewhere, manually register an action in a service provider by calling the static register method on your action class.

public function boot()


Fieldtypes have two pieces:

  • A PHP class handling data processing and validation
  • A Vue 2 component handling the view and data binding

For this example we will create a password field with a “show” toggle control:

An example fieldtype that reveals a password field
Follow along and you could make this!

Create a fieldtype PHP class and Vue component by running the following command:

php please make:fieldtype TogglePassword
class TogglePassword extends \Statamic\Fields\Fieldtype

Create a Vue component in one of your loaded javascript files and register it as [handle]-fieldtype.

Your component has two requirements:

  • It must expect a value prop.
  • It must emit an input event whenever the value updates.

Statamic provides you with a Fieldtype mixin that does this automatically to reduce boilerplate code.

Example Vue component

import Fieldtype from './components/fieldtypes/TogglePassword.vue';
// Should be named [snake_case_handle]-fieldtype
Statamic.$components.register('toggle_password-fieldtype', Fieldtype);
<text-input :type="inputType" :value="value" @input="updateDebounced" />
<label><input type="checkbox" v-model="show" /> Show Password</label>
export default {
mixins: [Fieldtype],
data() {
return {
show: false
computed: {
inputType() {
return ? 'text' : 'password';

Example walk-through:

  • The Fieldtype mixin is providing an value prop containing the initial value of the field.
  • The text-input component emits an input event whenever you type into it. Our component is listening for that event and calls the update method.
  • The Fieldtype mixin is providing an updateDebounced method which emits the required input event. This is how the parent component is detecting changes in your fieldtype.

Do not modify the value prop directly. Instead, call this.update(value) (or this.updateDebounced(value)) and let the Vuex store handle the update appropriately.

Fieldtype Icon

You can use an existing SVG icon from Statamic’s resources/svg directory by passing it’s name into an $icon class variable, by returning a full SVG as a string, or returning it as a string from the icon() method.

class CustomFieldtype extends Fieldtype
protected $icon = 'tags';
// or
protected $icon = '<svg> ... </svg>';
// or
function icon()
return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . 'resources/svg/left_shark.svg');

Fieldtype Categories

When using the blueprint builder inside the control panel, your fieldtype will be listed under the special category by default. To move your fieldtype into a different category, define the $categories property on your class:

class CustomFieldtype extends Fieldtype
public $categories = ['number'];

You can select from any of the keys available in the FieldtypeSelector:

  • text
  • controls
  • media
  • number
  • relationship
  • structured
  • special

Configuration Fields

You can make your fieldtype configurable with configuration fields. These fields are defined by adding a configFieldItems() method on your PHP class that returns an array of fields.

protected function configFieldItems(): array
return [
'mode' => [
'display' => 'Mode',
'instructions' => 'Choose which mode you want to use',
'type' => 'select',
'default' => 'regular',
'options' => [
'regular' => __('Regular'),
'enhanced' => __('Enhanced'),
'width' => 50
'secret_agent_features' => [
'display' => 'Enable super secret agent features',
'instructions' => 'Can you even handle these features?',
'type' => 'toggle',
'default' => false,
'width' => 50

The configuration values can be accessed in the Vue component using the config property.

return this.config.mode; // regular


Key Definition
display The field’s display label
instructions Text shown underneath the display label. Supports Markdown.
type Name of the fieldtype used to manage the config option.
default An optional default value.
other Some fieldtypes have additional configuration options available.
Hot Tip!

A little code diving will reveal all the possible config options for each field type. Look for the configFieldItems() method in each class here:

Adding configuration fields to existing fieldtypes

Sometimes you may want to add a config field to another fieldtype rather than creating a completely new one.

You can do this using the appendConfigField or appendConfigFields methods on the respective fieldtype.

use Statamic\Fieldtypes\Text;
// One field...
Text::appendConfigField('group', [
'type' => 'text',
'display' => 'Group',
// Multiple fields...
'group' => ['type' => 'text', 'display' => '...',],
'another' => ['type' => 'text', 'display' => '...',],

Meta Data

Fieldtypes can preload additional “meta” data from PHP into JavaScript. This can be anything you want, from settings to eager loaded data.

public function preload()
return ['foo' => 'bar'];

This can be accessed in the Vue component using the meta property.

return this.meta; // { foo: bar }

If you have a need to update this meta data on the JavaScript side, use the updateMeta method. This will persist the value back to Vuex store and communicate the update to the appropriate places.

this.updateMeta({ foo: 'baz' });
this.meta; // { foo: 'baz' }

Example use cases -

Here are some reasons why you might want to use this feature:

  • The assets and relationship fieldtypes only store IDs, so they will fetch item data using AJAX requests. If you have many of these fields in one form, you’d have a bunch of AJAX requests fire off when the page loads. Preload the item data to avoid the initial AJAX requests.
  • Grid, Bard, and Replicator fields all preload values for what a new row/set contains, plus the recursive meta values of any nested fields.

Replicator Preview

When Replicator (or Bard) sets are collapsed, Statamic will display a preview of the values within it.

By default, Statamic will do its best to display your fields value. However, if you have a value more complex than a simple string or array, you may want to customize it.

You may customize the preview text by adding a replicatorPreview computed value to your Vue component. For example:

computed: {
replicatorPreview() {
return this.value.join('+');
Hot Tip!

This does support returning an HTML string so you could display image tags for a thumbnail, etc. Just be aware of the limited space.

Index Fieldtypes

In listings (collection indexes in the Control Panel, for example), string values will be displayed as a truncated string and arrays will be displayed as JSON.

You can adjust the value before it gets sent to the listing with the preProcessIndex method:

public function preProcessIndex($value)
return str_repeat('*', strlen($value));

If you need extra control or functionality, fieldtypes may have an additional “index” Vue component.

import Fieldtype from './TogglePasswordIndexFieldtype.vue';
// Should be named [snake_case_handle]-fieldtype-index
Statamic.$components.register('toggle_password-fieldtype-index', Fieldtype);
<div v-html="bullets" />
export default {
mixins: [IndexFieldtype],
computed: {
bullets() {
return '&bull;'.repeat(this.value.length);

The IndexFieldtype mixin will provide you with a value prop so you can display it however you’d like. Continuing our example above, we will replace the value with bullets.


By default, a fieldtype will not perform any augmentation. It will just return the value as-is.

You can customize how it gets augmented with an augment method:

public function augment($value)
return strtoupper($value);

Read more about augmentation

Accessing Other Fields

If you find yourself needing to access other form field values, configs, etc., you can reach into the publish form store from within your Vue component:

inject: ['storeName'],
computed: {
formValues() {
return this.$store.state.publish[this.storeName].values;

Updating from v2

In Statamic v2 we pass a data prop that can be directly modified. You might be see something like this:

<input type="text" v-model="data" />

In v3 you need to pass the value down in a prop (call it value), and likewise pass the modified value up by emitting an input event. This change is the result of architectural changes in Vue.js 2.

<!-- Using a standard HTML input field: -->
<input type="text" :value="value" @input="$emit('input', $">
<!-- Using the "Fieldtype" mixin's `update` method to emit the event for you: -->
<input type="text" :value="value" @input="update($">
<!-- Using a Statamic input component to clean it up even further: -->
<text-input :value="value" @input="update">

An alternate solution could be to add a data property, initialize it from the new value prop, then emit the event whenever the data changes. By doing this, you won’t need to modify your template or the rest of your JavaScript logic. You can just continue to modify data.

<input type="text" v-model="data" />
export default {
mixins: [Fieldtype],
data() {
return {
data: this.value,
watch: {
data(data) {

If you had a replicatorPreviewText method, it should be renamed to replicatorPreview and moved to a computed.

The PHP file should require no changes.

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