Keyboard Shortcuts

Improve usability by adding keyboard shortcuts.

You may add keyboard shortcuts with a simple syntax, based on the Mousetrap library.

Basic usage

Bind a keyboard shortcut in a similar way to how you would with Mousetrap. You will get a reference to a Binding object. To unbind, destroy it.

export default {
data() {
return {
binding: null
created() {
this.binding = this.$keys.bind('mod+s',;
destroyed() {
methods: {
save() {


If you are binding a keyboard shortcut in a component that may disappear - perhaps it’s in a stack or modal - you should destroy it once you’re done.

When destroying the binding, it will revert back to the previous binding if one existed.

For example: If you’re on a form which already uses mod+s to save it, and you open your component which re-binds mod+s, when you destroy your binding, the previous form’s binding will kick back into gear.

Available methods

this.$keys.bind(keys, fn);

Creates a keyboard shortcut binding. First argument is a key sequence, or array of key sequences. Second argument is a function to be executed. The Binding object is returned.

this.$keys.bindGlobal(keys, fn);

Creates a global keyboard shortcut binding. Works the same as bind, except the shortcut will work inside text fields.

Key sequences

A sequence can be:

  • a single key. eg. /
  • multiple keys together: eg. shift+/
  • an actual sequence of keys: eg. up up down down

Available keys

For modifier keys you can use shift, ctrl, alt, or meta.

You can substitute option for alt and command for meta.

Other special keys are backspace, tab, enter, return, capslock, esc, escape, space, pageup, pagedown, end, home, left, up, right, down, ins, del, and plus.

Any other key you should be able to reference by name like a, /, $, *, or =.

Hot Tip!

You can use mod to mean both ctrl on Windows and cmd on Mac. This saves you from having to define two separate sequences.

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