Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

For a software dev like me who has no idea how to create a cute hand-drawn dashed line, this course just 100% works.

— Ira Zayats, Developer

Redirect Tag

Anytime this tag is rendered — whether in a template, partial, or content, Statamic will redirect the visitor to the specified URL.

Redirecting to URLs

Let's redirect visitors to the homepage if they're not logged in.

{{ if ! logged_in }}
{{ redirect to="/" }}
{{ /if }}

How about RickRolling visitors if it's April Fool's Day?

{{ if (now|format:m-d) == "04-01" }}
{{ redirect to="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" }}
{{ /if }}

Named Routes

You may redirect to named routes with the route parameter. Anything else will be passed along as route parameters.

Route::get('products/{product}/{size}', fn($product, $size) => ...)
{{ redirect route="products.show" product="socks" size="large" }}
// /products/socks/large




Destination URL



Alias of url



Instead of entering a URL, you can specify a route name. Any other parameters will be passed along as route parameters.



The HTTP response code to use. Default: 302 (temporary).

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